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The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited

Board of Directors

The Hon. Paul CHAN Mo-po, GBM, GBS, MH, JP

The Hon. Paul CHAN Mo-po, GBM, GBS, MH, JP

Chairman and Executive Director

Financial Secretary

Mr Eddie YUE Wai-man, JP

Mr Eddie YUE Wai-man, JP

Deputy Chairman and Executive Director

Chief Executive
Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Mr Howard LEE Tat-chi, JP

Mr Howard LEE Tat-chi, JP

Executive Director

Deputy Chief Executive
Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Mr Raymond LI Ling-cheung, JP

Mr Raymond LI Ling-cheung, JP

Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer

Senior Executive Director
Hong Kong Monetary Authority

The Hon. Christopher HUI Ching-yu, GBS, JP

The Hon. Christopher HUI Ching-yu, GBS, JP

Non-Executive Director

Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury

The Hon. Winnie HO Wing-yin, JP

The Hon. Winnie HO Wing-yin, JP

Non-Executive Director

Secretary for Housing

The Hon. CHAN Hak-kan, SBS, JP

The Hon. CHAN Hak-kan, SBS, JP

Non-Executive Director

Member of Executive Council
Member of Legislative Council

The Hon. Paul TSE Wai-chun, JP

The Hon. Paul TSE Wai-chun, JP

Non-Executive Director

Member of Legislative Council
Founder & Senior Partner, Paul W. Tse, Solicitors

The Hon. Jimmy NG Wing-ka, BBS, JP

The Hon. Jimmy NG Wing-ka, BBS, JP

Non-Executive Director

Member of Legislative Council

The Hon. SHIU Ka-fai, BBS, JP

The Hon. SHIU Ka-fai, BBS, JP

Non-Executive Director

Member of Legislative Council

Mr Clement CHAN Kam-wing, BBS, MH, JP

Mr Clement CHAN Kam-wing, BBS, MH, JP

Non-Executive Director

Managing Director – Assurance
BDO Limited

Ms Margaret KWAN Wing-han

Ms Margaret KWAN Wing-han

Non-Executive Director

Member on Process Review Panel for Securities and Futures Commission