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The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited

Legal Statement


Please read these terms and conditions carefully.  By accessing this website and any of its pages, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below.  These terms and conditions may be changed from time to time.  Please consult this page every time you visit this website.


If you do not agree to the terms and conditions below, please exit this website immediately.


In this Legal Statement, the “Corporation” means The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited and the “HKMC Group” means one or more of the Corporation, its subsidiaries (including but not limited to HKMC Annuity Limited, HKMC Insurance Limited (HKMCI) and HKMC Mortgage Management Limited) and subsidiary undertakings, as appropriate.



Information relating to insurance products on this website is for Hong Kong residents only


The information and statements in relation to insurance products and services provided on or mentioned under this website are prepared for and restricted to residents of Hong Kong only and are not intended for distribution to or use by any persons located or residing in other jurisdictions.



This website is for general information only and no responsibility taken for its content

The content (including all statements and information) on this website is for general information only.  To the extent permissible under the applicable law, the HKMC Group accepts no liability for any claims, demands, losses and damages (whether direct or indirect) of any kind, including but not limited to contractual, tortious, statutory, strict, civil and criminal liabilities, howsoever arising from, or in connection with, the use of or in reliance on the content and online tools on this website.



Download or use at your own risk


The HKMC Group does not represent or warrant, nor does the HKMC Group take any responsibility for the following relating to any statement or information on this website:


  • accuracy, timeliness, reliability, correctness and completeness
  • advice or statements of opinion
  • merchantability, suitability and fitness for any particular purpose
  • updating, correcting or amending any part of the content of this website
  • non-infringement of any third parties’ rights
  • legality of use in any locations and jurisdictions outside Hong Kong


The HKMC Group also does not represent or warrant, nor does the HKMC Group take any responsibility for any of the following relating to your access to and use of this website:


  • absence of viruses, malware or other harmful components
  • absence of technical defects
  • availability and access in Hong Kong and any other locations and jurisdictions


You are responsible for compliance with any applicable laws in your jurisdiction in the use of this website, its content and tools.



No offer or solicitation in relation to securities or insurance products and services


The content (including statements and information) of this website, including but not limited to any offering documentation, is provided for general information only, and are not intended to be and should not be taken to be an offer or a solicitation of an offer or an invitation by any member of the HKMC Group or any issuer or any other person, for subscription for or sale of or any other actions in relation to securities issued or guaranteed or to be issued or guaranteed by the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries.


In addition, no statement or information on this website should constitute or be construed as an offer to sell any insurance products or services.



To read with any updated supplements


Any statement and information contained on this website in relation to securities issued or guaranteed or to be issued or guaranteed by the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries should be read in conjunction with other materials or documents which are expressed to be the supplements to, or included by reference, in such statement or information.


In the event of any inconsistency between any statement or information on this website in relation to securities issued or guaranteed or to be issued or guaranteed by the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries and the terms in documents establishing the terms of such securities, the terms in such documents shall prevail.



To independently assess the content of this website


You should conduct your own enquiries to assess and verify the content of this website and to obtain independent advice (legal, financial or other advice) before acting upon it, especially in relation to any investment in securities issued or guaranteed by the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries since such securities may not be eligible for sale in certain jurisdictions or to certain persons.



No investment or professional advice


Any explanation, advice, opinion or forecast provided or referred to on this website is intended for general information only, and in all circumstances, should not be taken or relied upon as investment or professional advice by any member of the HKMC Group or any issuer or any other person.



Forward-looking statements


This website may contain forward-looking statements.  You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts and may include words such as “anticipate”, “believe”, “intend”, “plan”, “expect” or similar words.  Although the relevant member(s) of the HKMC Group has been prudent in making any such statements, such indicated results or outcomes may not be realised.  The HKMC Group disclaims any intention or obligation to update forward-looking statements.



No responsibility for internet disruptions, communication malfunctions and security of this website


Communications over the internet may be subject to incidents such as interruption, interception, hacking, transmission blackout, delayed transmission or incorrect data transmission.  The HKMC Group is not liable for any malfunction in communication facilities that may affect the accuracy or timeliness of the content or online tools on this website.  The HKMC Group also does not guarantee that this website or the online tools on this website are completely secure.  Whilst reasonable precautions are taken to maintain the confidentiality of information received, the HKMC Group does not accept responsibility for any breach of confidentiality.



Exclusion of liability in relation to hyperlinks


This website contains hyperlinks to websites provided by other entities.  The hyperlinks are provided for your convenience only.  The provision of such hyperlinks does not indicate any endorsement, approval or recommendation of these websites or the products and services provided, described or linked on them.  The HKMC Group does not endorse or take any responsibility for the content or any other aspects of these websites.



Hyperlinks from external websites to this website


The HKMC Group is not responsible for the setup of any hyperlink from a third party website to this website. Any hyperlink so set up does not constitute any form of cooperation with or endorsement by the HKMC Group. The HKMC Group is not liable for any loss or damage incurred or suffered by you or any third party arising out of the use of such links.



Ownership of intellectual property rights


Unless otherwise stated, all information and data contained on this website, including but not limited to text, graphics, trade and service marks, icons, drawings, diagrams, photographs, videos, audio recordings, compilations of data and overall appearance of this website are the property of the Corporation.  Where any webpage on this website deals exclusively with general insurance products or services of the HKMCI, the copyright of all contents on such page belongs to the HKMCI.  The Corporation and the HKMCI expressly reserve their respective proprietary rights in such property and webpage, including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks and other intellectual property rights.



Unauthorised reproduction, alteration or use of any part of this website is prohibited


Any unauthorised use, publication, sale, printing, reproduction, copying, display, downloading, distribution, forwarding, exploitation or alteration of any part or the whole of this website is strictly prohibited, except that reasonable copying, creating of hyperlinks, downloading or printing is permissible to the extent permitted by the Hong Kong law for, (a) any individual for non-commercial use with the source identified and the copyright status acknowledged; or (b) copying, reproducing or using in whole or in part any of the Model Mortgage Origination Documents for commercial purposes by any entity or person subject to the terms set out in the Model Mortgage Origination Documents.


Furthermore, any enquiry or request for consent to the foregoing acts in relation to the content of this website should be sent to [email protected].  The permission given here does not extend to any materials in any hyperlinked websites, the copyright of which belongs to third party(ies).



Indemnities in relation to your use


You irrevocably and unconditionally agree to indemnify and hold each member of the HKMC Group and their respective directors, officers, staff and agents, and any issuer of securities guaranteed by the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries, harmless from and against any claims, actions, demands, or proceedings, howsoever arising from or in connection with your use of this website, any content in this website or any breach of these terms and conditions by you.



Governing law and jurisdiction


The terms and conditions contained herein in relation to the access to and the use of this website are governed by the Hong Kong law.  By accessing and using this website, you irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong and waive any immunity you may have in relation to such submission to jurisdiction.


If a jurisdiction does not allow the exclusion of liability under this Legal Statement but instead allows a limitation of a certain maximum extent, then the relevant liability(ies) will be limited to that extent.



The English version of this Legal Statement shall prevail over the Chinese version (which is provided for information purposes only).